I am fairly sure, when you factor in my time, I just paid $250
for a bra.
Maybe more if I add fees for
pain and psychological stress.
In the land of ridiculously enhanced ladies, I would think it
would be easier to find reasonably priced, pretty undergarments for the
over-blessed woman.
No, I don't want a grandma bra.
No, I don't want a recycled windsock.
No, I don't want a sports bra.
No, I don’t want something so hideous, I have to hide it in the
back of the drawer in fear of scaring my other undergarments. Or even worse, a snooping guest or
burglar. Although, hey, this might be a
new way to deter theft….put the ugly clothing to the front of drawers. I think I am on to something here.
I would like the same pretty options as my itty-bitty friends,
just with more support.
I’m a fashionista at heart.
I enjoy little details.
Okay, yes, I live in the Stay at Home Mum Uniform of jeans and
fleece jackets; but really, I drool over beautiful fabrics and design, and know
one day I will return to wearing something a little more stylish.
For now, I have a bee in my bonnet about quality undergarments
with less industrial undertones and likeliness to create the dreaded monoboob.
And I am on to the scam of pretty bras in larger sizes, that
look great for the 30 seconds you try them on; but not so much when worn for
the day.
I call these Picasso to Dali bras.
You can paint your own picture of what this means…..
I call these Picasso to Dali bras.
You can paint your own picture of what this means…..
I don’t think I am asking much.
A lot of support here, a little feminine touch there, and there and
there, and some fun fabrics and colors to boot.
All for less than I could pay for a half tank of gas (sad, I cannot say
a full tank these days).
I close with this mantra….
Pick them up from the floor
Monoboob no more!
Feminine and pretty
That does not make me look one hundred and fifty!